Meet us at the EthCC 2024 in Brussels

Meet us at the EthCC 2024 in Brussels

Start your private sale

Start your
private sale

Start your
private sale

Complete the form below to launch a branded, secure, and confidential private hub, designed for an unmatched experience
for you and your investors.

Complete the form below to launch a branded, secure, and confidential private hub, designed for an unmatched experience for you and your investors.

Complete the form below to launch a branded, secure, and confidential private hub, designed for an unmatched experience
for you and your investors.

Complete the form below to launch a branded, secure, and confidential private hub, designed for an unmatched experience for you and your investors.

Share your project details & launch in a day


Complete the form below to initiate your private hub creation.


Review your private hub and sign contract.


Launch your sale and onboard all your investors smoothly.

Please provide your company and contact information
Data needed to contact you, setup your access and edit contract. Want to talk first? Book a call
Your private sale hub
Data needed to build your private hub. Want to talk first? Book a call
Which private sale hub url?
Company name
Aucun choix sélectionné
Aucun choix sélectionné
Your investor onboarding
Data needed to customize your verification. Want to talk first? Book a call
Include a proof of address?
Please provide your company and contact information.
Data needed to contact you, setup your access and edit contract. Book a call
Your private sale hub
Data needed to build your private hub. Book a call Book a call
Which private sale hub url?
Company name
Aucun choix sélectionné
Aucun choix sélectionné
Your investor onboarding
Data needed to custome your verification. Want to talk first?
Include a proof of address?


Why do you need KYC and KYB for private sales

What is a private sale in cryptocurrency?

How does the KYC/AML process work for private crypto sales?