Meet us at the EthCC 2024 in Brussels

Meet us at the EthCC 2024 in Brussels

Our private sales plan

Our private
sales plan

Find the best plan for your token sale.

Find the best plan for your token sale.

Private Hub

Private Hub

Your private sale launched in less than 24 hours!



min commitment stable coin accepted


Private hub set-up

Secured private sale webpage


Total verification credit

Credits can be spent on:

  • $250 per/KYB

  • $3 per/KYC

This plan also includes:

This plan also includes:


AML / CFT Screening

AML / CFT Screening


Private hub

Private hub


Investor verification

Investor verification




Premium sales

You onboard more than 20 entities? Contact us for a custom quote.

You onboard more than 20 entities? Contact us for a custom quote.

Private pack details

Private pack details

Private sale hub

Private sale secure web page

6 months

6 months

Set up assistance

Get expert assistance for private sales onboarding

Corporate verification

Verify your investor corporate structure

UBO check

Verify your Ultimate Beneficial Owner

ID verification

Verify your investor official document

Liveness & facematch

Prevent spoof or fraud with biometric check

AML / CFT screening

Check individuals in anti money laundering lists

Proof of residency

Verify a person's current address using official documents



Phone verification

Verify your investors phone number



Data extraction

Export your private sale info in CSV / PDF format

User whitelisting

White list some investors

Consumption data

See what credit you have used

Detailed logs

Review team access and actions